Memory Lane is the world’s first reverse-engineered voice assistant, developed in purpose to reduce loneliness among elderly people in Stockholm. By artificial intelligence this sound innovation doesn’t only offer companionship but also acts as a personal scribe that interviews the users about their life stories and records them for the future. Memory Lane is developed for Stockholm Exergi by Accenture Interactive.
Life is full of joy, ups and downs, relationships and experiences. Life is about making memories. We all have amazing stories to tell and share with our loved ones. Unfortunately, not everyone has someone to share them with, or someone who takes the time to listen. Undesired loneliness and isolation have become major societal issues as daily interaction with the “outside world” decreases. Research shows that loneliness, depression and dementia constitute a rapidly growing health problem among the elderly. That undesired loneliness can be just as harmful as smoking and obesity. Memory Lane is the world’s first reverse voice assistant that can carry on meaningful conversations and direct personal questions to the person with whom it is conversing. Efterklang has contributed to this undertaking as a sound partner.
The technology behind Memory Lane was initiated by the Accenture Interactive Center in Sophia Antipolis. A combination of Google Voice Assistance and Artificial Intelligence (AI) allows for an active dialogue where relevant and personal questions are directed to the user. It understands the context and the connection between different responses provided and can thus decide what the next counter-question should be. Thus, this unique AI can hold an emotional, meaningful and personal conversation.
We managed sound design and production for all commercials, and the production of a podcast series based on the interviews.
Stockholm Sound Awards 2019
International Sound Awards 2020
Better Sound – Health
Better Sound – Social & Culture
Better Sound – Voice & Dialogue