Featured projectsVibration is an important consideration in the design of buildings, environments, and workplaces. We’re exposed to vibration from walking on lightweight floors, from railways and underground transport, and by the transmission of sound and perceptible vibration from mechanical equipment.
Some of our services:
- Measurements and monitoring
- Human response to vibration for comfort
- Ground borne vibration transmission
- Equipment isolation design
- Vibration damage risk assessments
- Troubleshooting and Product development
- Structural dynamics, impedance and mobility measurements
Vibrations can be generated by a number of different sources and have the potential to create cosmetic and structural damages to machinery, equipment, and buildings as well as lower the production rate or lifespan of machinery and processes. People who’re exposed to vibrations in various work-related situations can be affected negatively.
We provide comprehensive knowledge within vibrations, structural dynamics, and the response of people, buildings and products exposed to vibration. Our experts assist in troubleshooting, product development, condition and vibration monitoring, building dynamics, full-building isolation, equipment isolation, construction vibration mitigation, and work environment studies to ensure machine safety as well as regulatory compliance in all sectors.
Tailored monitoring and assessment solutions are often used to advise on mitigation methods. We use state-of-the-art equipment and methods to find the best solutions for each problem or task at hand.
In order to determine capacity of various components regarding both static and dynamic stiffness, we use our hydraulic shakers which comply with the requirements stated in ISO 10846-2:1997. For more information, please get in touch!
For vibration monitoring assignments we use the latest hardware allowing us and our clients a full cloud-based access to the results. With alarm functions, our clients can always rest assured that the levels are in check – around the clock!