Every day we're exposed to the sounds of our surroundings that affect us in positive and negative ways. Unpleasant sounds are often byproducts from traffic, building services installations, construction activities, industries, etc. We define these 'unwanted sounds' as noise.

Some of our services:

  • Noise assessments
  • Noise measurements
  • Action plans for reducing noise exposure
  • EU Environmental Noise Directive (2002/49/EC)
  • Visualization and auralization
  • Underwater noise
  • Soundscaping
  • Interface with the public at hearings and serving as an expert witness

Since the industrial revolution, noise is increasingly ubiquitous in the public domain, in our workplaces and private homes. In recent years, the World Health Organization has complied and published research on how noise in our environment affects our health, well-being and development from birth. Negative effects from noise include interference with speech communication and performance (in schools, workplaces, etc.), sleep disturbance, annoyance, cardiovascular and physiological effects, mental health effects, and change in behaviors, to name a few.

We conduct noise assessments, mapping and measurements from a wide range of sources, for example road and rail traffic noise, industries, outdoor sports facilities, and quarrying. In all cases we design and implement action plans with mitigation measures for clients, municipalities, and authorities who aim to make human centric and healthy environments and products.

With our comprehensive experience in this field, we possess a wealth of knowledge and a broad array of comparative noise data which we can apply on our projects.

Efterklang, being one of the pioneers in the area, also offer soundscaping and acoustic design solutions, where we use the positive aspects of sound and acoustics to improve the sound quality of environments.

Contact person
Manne Friman
Manne Friman